Perforated and Expanded Metal Solutions for Grain Dryers

Metalex specializes in engineering perforated metal, expanded metal, and safety grating solutions for grain dryers, grain storage and grain handling equipment. Use our interactive infographic below by clicking on the circles to see how metal products serve grain drying applications.

G r ain D r yer Plat f orms The self-cleaning Open-Grip® features 1-3/8¨ debossedholes, allowing debris to pass through and maintaina safe clear walking surface up on the platform.The raised buttons of Metalex Open-Grip® retaintheir 360° slip resistance with wear. G r ain D r yer W alls Metalex's range of perforated metalcapabilities provide the ideal solution forcontinuous flow drain drying. G r ain Bin Flooring Metalex perforated metal maintains airflowthrough grain to prevent the germination ofseeds and inhibits bacterial growth. Steps Deck Span® safety grating's unique diamonddesign offers 360° slip resistance and outstandingload-carrying capabiliities. Metlex Deck Span® isideal for catwalks, stair treads, and walkways.